If your company were a drink, what drink would it be? Help me name TechStars corporate cocktail

Since the publishing of the video about Founder's Co-op, whiskey and entrepreneurs on TechFlash, there's been an ongoing conversation about each company's symbolic drink. You can think of these as corporate cocktails.  You know - a drink that you start each corporate meeting with (if you were drinking during the day) Here's what we've come up with so far: 

  • LookStat - La phroaig - Single malt scotch
  • Untitled Startup - Dewars
  • NearlyWeds - Perseco
  • Frugal Mechanic - tap water
  • Appature - Russel's Reserve
  • Cooler Planet - Patron
  • AppStore HQ - Maker's Mark
  • On Top Leads - Jack Daniel's 
  • Big Door Media - Stoli and soda with a lime

(Please note that I didn't get ALL Founder's Co-op companies drinks by date of publication....those that are outside of Seattle were omitted. Sorry guys -- the need to publish dominated making this list comprehensive. If you send me a drink I'll post it)

Next week at the TechStars for a Day event, I'll be revealing TechStars in Seattle choice of symbolic drink. I'm not sure what it is yet, but I'm open to suggestions.

Please note -- these corporate cocktails do NOT have to be alcoholic. It's probably not a coincidence that the above list is mostly alcoholic.