Return from Disney World

I'm back. I actually arrived home in Seattle this weekend. It took me a couple days to decompress from what turned out to be a great, albeit tiring week. Disney World is a weirdly special place on a lot of different levels.

  1. First, as a family vacation for my dad's 70th -- I think the trip exceeded his expectations and mine. There were no major family fights. The hotel was nice -- and the grandkids ages 1 to 8 loved the parks.
  2. Second, as an incarnation of an entrepreneurs vision -- it's amazing. In my mind, it's as impressive as cirque du soleil.  The breadth, scope, and execution are truly impressive.
  3. Third, as a business operation the place is amazing. Everything from the transportation, the trash receptacles, the technology, the marketing, to the customer service. The business lessons abound.