Below is a story I told to 2 aspiring entrepreneurs in the Founder's Co-op portfolio today:
I used to swim in high school. I had a coach, named Mark O'Reilly, who had been my swim coach since I was 7 years old. I swam competitively -- I was a back stroker and used to practice everyday after school from 3 to 5PM. About midway through my Junior year of high school, I went to practice and that day had an awesome practice. I swim every "exercise" as if it were my last. I kicked ass during that practice. When I was done with practice, my coach came up to me and said if you do that everyday, you'll be able to compete nationally. He told me that "that extra gear" is what was required of me. I knew what he was talking about. My commitment that day in practice was extraordinary.
I told the entrepreneurs today that they needed to find their own extra gear if they wanted to make their company a success. I believe they have that extra gear -- but I can't do it for them.
We'll see how practice goes the next couple months. I'm watching and cheering them on! My tip for all of you aspiring entrpeneurs is the same : find your extra gear. Leave all that you have on the game field (or in the pool).