Do I suck as a venture capitalist?

I thought I'd write a post following up on my guest post on TechFlash and let everyone know some of the things that I know I suck at when it comes to investing.  You should feel free to comment and add to either list  (I of course prefer you add to the why I don't suck :-) .  

Why I don't suck as a venture capitalist

  • I have experience running and selling start up technology companies. I've been doing this for 15 years, and have managed to sell 3 companies for a nice sum of money and 2 for a loss (both about $0.50 on the invested dollar).
  • I have managed up to 120 people. I've recruited lots of VPs before and managed many management teams.
  • I love sales of all kinds -- and know how to sell.
  • I blog and try to be transparent about my position on topics.
  • I have an opinion and am direct. You may not like what I have to say but most people know where they stand with me and whether I like their business.
  • I think of myself and am told that I'm approachable and open.
  • I know my shit smells  -- and I know I've made lots of mistakes (and continue to make them)
  • I'm scrappy, cheap, aggressive,and know how to bootsrap business 
  • I'm willing to be wrong
  • I have an emotional IQ
  • I try not to take myself too seriously
  • I care a lot about entrepreneurs and the community. 
  • I pay my taxes and am a huge fan of the films : Old School and Meet the parents

Why I suck as a venture capitalist

  • I'm now an investor and think like one
  • I'm valuation sensitive. We tend to deals in the sub 2MM pre-money valuation zone. 
  • Our deals include a liquidation preference as a standard term.
  • I think my experience should matter to you
  • If I dont' like your business or you, I usually tell you (doesn't win me friends)
  • I'm cheap and sometimes negotiate too aggressively.
  • People have told me that my direct style intimitades them. I don't mean to!
  • I don't read all my emails and am occasionally lame about follow thrown
  • I have definately mismanged expectations in the investment process on more than one occasion.
  • I like to make money.
  • I am wrong plenty. 
  • I care about the people side of business a lot.
  • I don't have enough money to invest -- I have a small fund and thus can't do bigger deals.
  • I like the movie Wall Street and once thought about being an investment banker, an options trader, and a management consultant. I did none of the above but would probably still enjoy being an options trader.