The meeting that led to Judy's Book insights

The evolution of Judy's Book was sparked by a management meeting we had about 6 months ago. At that meeting, we asked ourselves the following questions:


  1. What are the hardest problems in our current business approach - the market issues that we keep struggling with over and over?
  2. What’s (surprisingly) easy about our business – the things that are working better than expected?
  3. Where’s the parade?  What major trends are we trying to get in front of with our business?

What would our business look like If we:

  • Stopped trying to do what’s hard,
  • Did more of the things that are easy, and
  • Made sure we were in front of the biggest parade we can find?

I think this is an excellent list of questions that management teams should ask themselves about their business every six months or so. I'm looking forward to revisiting this meeting again in January.