Star wars movie boycott

This was an email I received from a passionate person about the new star wars movie....

I beseech you to boycott the star wars movie. Our society has become a confluence of rampant reproduction, infinite commodification, pandemic denial, and unwarranted militarism. The only thing that has allowed this to become the way of things is the APATHY of the populace. Your efforts are stolen from you, then sold back to you in the form of merchandise you only desire because you are, from childhood, programmed to desire them. The commodification of your own worth extends as social pressure increases and conformity spreads in the guise of a virtuous mandate…the fear of oddity keeping everyone in line. To make matters worse, your ideals and memories are re-packaged and sold to you…but as apathy reigns, the beautification of these commodities becomes irrelevant: products are consumed because to NOT CONSUME THEM IS TO BE OUTCAST. Thus, George Lucas takes the ideals and memories of an entire generation, re packages them in an undeniably DISMAL product, and to even suggest NOT handing your money over warrants scornful gazes from even the most rational! Will one person’s statement of refusal change the world? No. there is only individual dignity and self-determination at stake…two devalued commodities in our growth-despite-consequences economy. I am not a star wars hater…quite the opposite…I grew up on star wars and have lived by its magic for many many years. The new movies, especially in their lame-duck conclusion, give a face to a problem so deep in our society that few dare even to admit it exists: the herd so fears uniqueness…so fears uncommodified ideals..that those who resist in the name of MAGNANIMITY are portrayed as party-crashers. Star wars is quite irrelevant…it is the reaction of the masses to it that is truly disturbing. Do your part to build a world where truth and depth are valued, and the plundering of childhood ideals is NOT a status quo for get-rich-quick! Many will throw their most disdainful gaze my way…as if I ask the impossible to not spend the 9$ to satisfy morbid curiosity. Is it such a high-minded ideal to just wait for the damn thing to be on tv? You’ll still get to see ads so you know what to buy when you get to the Sith rack at Albertsons… Keep hope alive…defy the obvious and dread not the scorn of the herd