I attended the Seattle Open Coffee this morning which continues to go strong as an informal networking event for entrepreneurs. Attendees are mostly high tech start up folks -- mostly 1 to 10 person pre-funding companies. It's a good bastion of ideas, networking, and support for the next generation of web and software start ups. I decided that I was going to start to give shout outs to some of these small companies.
Today's shout out is for Noonhat. It's a start up or project run by Brian Dorsey . The idea is relatively simple: log on, put in your location, and have lunch with people you don't know. It might sound weird -- but I think it's kind of cool. It's not a dating site like Just Lunch though I think it may end up being one. It's about meeting new people and having interesting conversations (period). Not really a business -- more of a cool project....and that's what Brian intends. Check it out and give Brian feedback. I'm going to go have a lunch and I'll let you know what happens. Should be fun....or at least worth blogging about.