There has been a fair amount of interest and talk about my most recent Yelp post entitled, "What Yelp did better than Judy's Book". There have been 4 basic responses (in my opinion):
- People understanding the straightforwardness of my comments. These people take my comments at face value and appreciate the ups, downs, and sideways of trying to grow a real business.
- People taking the post and significantly misconstruing the comment to say "Sack says Yelp won". That is NOT what I said. Read the post again.
- Customers of Judy's Book who don't like the transition. I understand this perspective too. I have a sense of loss about the Judy's Book transition too....but that is offset by my excitement for building a sustainable business in the future.
- Analysts who question the whole category of community driven directories (yellow pages) as a viable business direction. i.e. is it worthwhile to build UGC citysearch 2.0? In my opinion, that's a damn good question.
So that's the feedback thus far as best as I can tell....I'll do my best to keep you informed in the coming days.