Is it an ah-hah moment or a duh moment?

I was talking with Tom Staples of Cooler Planet about a recent realization he's had about our SEO and SEM strategy. Tom made the declaration at a recent meeting that he wants to focus on "Solar Energy" as one of the main key words for the company. It is among the highest volume keywords in our niche.  If you started a company in the solar space 2 years ago (and we did) you'd think that "Solar Energy" would be an obvious keyword to focus on ....and it was. But there was something in the process of the past 2 years that made Tom reiterate the need for renewed focus on the keyword "Solar Energy" for SEO and SEM.  In that moment, I wondered if we had both an ah-hah and a duh moment. Well, it was both. But, better to focus on the positive ah-hah moment and really operationalize the focus on the Solar Energy keyword.  Throughput a company's life, you constantly remind yourself of some of the things you knew at the beginning. That is good. This is just one very concrete example.If you're in business online, focusing on high volume (perhaps lower conversion) obvious keywords is a  good place to start....and to return to. Duh.