Founder's Co-op mentioned on Techcrunch

Mike Arrington gave us a nice write up here on Techcrunch. I'm excited about Founder's Co-op and in particular working with the list successful Seattle entrepreneurs who are participating as LPs.  The thing the article doesn't do a good enough job of articulating is one of the unique components of our fund.  And that's the involvement of the proven entrpreneurs -- who are LPs in the fund.  These successful entrepreneurs (check out our website for a full list) are going to help guide our investment strategy and play an active role in supporting all the companies we invest in.  They're not a passive group of LPs. Rather, we meet 6 to 8 times a year and actively review potential investments and opportunities. Moreover, they play an active role in helping our portfolio grow by providing their expertise, know how, mentorship and rolodexes to making the companies successful.