Code Fellows update and visit to Portland


For those of you who haven't already caught wind about Code Fellows I wanted to post a quick update about what has been going on with the company.

The inaugural Rails class is complete! You can read more about the class here on our blog. The student's learned a lot and had truly great things to say!   The team working on this company are doing a great job!  Also, I want to point out what Code Fellows student Aplha Ng's had to say about his experience at Code Fellows. The team learned a lot from this first class, and made some adjustments to the next class, starting in May 2013.

Upcoming events:

Happy hour in PDX: Monday, April 29 @ 7:15pm, Rontoms. Code Fellows Rails instructors are going to be down in Portland next week for the RailsConf. Make sure you stop by their happy hour at Rontoms. View more details here and spread the word!

Code Fellows Mixer: Monday, May 13 @6pm, The Easy. Come meet our instructors and chat with us about Code Fellows. Interested in hiring one of our graduates? Then stop by, and grab a drink. Hiring companies are welcome. Alumni, prospective students and companies hire are all welcome. Spread the word!

Also if you are a company looking to hire a developer, contact for more info on how you can get involved in our Partner Program.
