BigDoor acquires One True Fan -- and the crowd goes wild least I do!

I’ve been joking with the BigDoor folks for a while now about how quiet it is in their new office space. I often come down on Friday afternoons and everyone’s working, heads down….it’s as quiet as a college library. The dedication from the team is remarkable and quite frankly a little bit scary but I think a lot of that dedication is starting to pay off.

For one thing the company has been working diligently on a private beta of their truly innovative solution they call the Engagement Economy, which is a new program that will impact how the digital world engages and monetizes their audiences.  That alone is exciting stuff but today BigDoor announced they have acquired San Francisco-basedweb services company OneTrueFan.

BigDoor provides a gamified loyalty platform and since they launched two years ago they have more than 300 partners. Recently the market demand has been outpacing their ability to keep up, so they turned to OneTrueFan as a means of accelerating their product development and overall growth. The demand has been so great they have turned to the OTFguys – Co-founders Eric and Todd and team to help accelerate their product development and growth.  Eric and Todd are pioneers in the game and social networking space (Co-founders of MyBlogLog ,acquired by Yahoo in ’07, as well as, Gnip and Cloudspace). By joining forces, this acquisitionfurther cements BigDoor’s role as the largest provider of gamified loyalty solutions (OTF has 1,000s ofpublishers currently using their site). This also gives BigDoor a presence in Silicon Valley.

The former OneTrueFan team will be primarily focused on building and running a BigDoor branded rewards program that is targeted to long tail and medium size web publishers. When they launch BigDoor Rewards next month, it will carry with it many of the same characteristics publishers loved from OneTrueFan; brain-dead simple to implement, great analytics, increased content sharing, and far more user engagement. Shortly thereafter BigDoor will be taking the wraps off of their Engagement Economy private beta, and making it publicly available to larger publishers and online communities. 

I guess the college library atmosphere is working -- these guys are kicking ass!
Congrats to Keith, Ring, Jeff, Matt, Todd and Eric and team!